Friday, February 7, 2020

Project Segway - A T-gauge Highway

The second major project for this year's show is the completion of the main road. The road defines the village in the layout, and needs to be installed so that I can install a major pedestrian bridge.

It turned out to be a major bit ow work to figure out a road shape that worked, but with a lot of trial and error, I came up with one.

Road Template.
Once I had a general shape that worked, I had to turn it into a CAD drawing. And then I had to turn that drawing into artwork that could be printed. All this took a number of iterations for shape, line patterns, line weight and color. And then, there is the double and triple checks that it fits as drawn. But here is the result.

Road Artwork.
There is a little bit more to do with some of the traffic control lines needing to be added. However, with the template correct, it is time to cut the underlayment. Directly under the paper road surface will be a 0.005" thick piece of styrene. I plan to cut another thin 0.005" strip to run down the middle of the road to provide a slight crown to the road. Under this, will be a 0.010" piece of styrene that will support the road and the sidewalks (drawn in purple above). Some of the sidewalks are 10 scale feet wide, others are 5 scale feet wide. The sidewalks will be cut from additional pieces of 0.015" styrene representing. When placed along side the road, there will be about a 0.010" sidewalk height (4.5 scale inches). This is small, but I hope it will be noticeable. 
Cutting the styrene templates. On the right is the paper template, on the left is the 0.005" styrene foundation.
This is a project in progress as of this writing, but we will see if I can have it installed in time for the show. I'll finish describing my installation process in the next post on the highway construction after the show. 

Cameron Turner

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