Wednesday, February 21, 2018

T is for Trees

Well, one thing I know I am going to need for the layout is some more trees. I planted my first one at the show, which has since been removed to allow for scenery to proceed. I have 7 more just like it, ready to go, however, that is no where near enough.

In addition, the tree is close to 100' tall (2.5") in T. So, I have some work to do. It seems feasible to cut the height down a bit, and get maybe two trees, instead of one. But ultimately, I need more trees. So, that became the project last night, getting those trees going.

Proudly hanging from my "tree-line" are another 112 trees like my first 8. I added another 40 after the picture that are simply painted, without ground foam as an experiment. All are made from Bump Chenille, and I think this gets me going on evergreens for the layout. After all, 160 evergreens in less than 3 square feet should be plenty...

Of course, researching the actual composition of trees in Scotland led to the quick revelation that evergreens are but a small minority of tree species in Scotland. Most of the types there are Deciduous trees. So, I will need to make some of those. I have a plan to make them from homemade wire armatures, with polyfiber and ground foam canopies. I've made one sample in N scale, and I was quite pleased. Now to see if it can be scaled down for T. And so, out came the polyfiber and the green spray paint.

I think this will produce enough for a small forest of T scale trees. And while I was at the paint work, I took the opportunity to paint a few T-scale British freight cars, as well as a few passenger cars and a few engine bodies I found in a box that I had ordered years ago. So, the roster is expanding.

Tree details to come!

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